Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ladies Man

Corky's 5 tips on how to be a Ladies Man:

1.) What better way to show your woman you love her than with the old candle trick? Invite her over to your house and gently seduce her with dim lighting and suave manners.

2.) Give your hunny a small box. On the inside flap write "Just 50 of the many reasons why I love you." Have 50 multi-colored folded strips of paper inside with various phrases...making sure it's personalized with inside secrets.

3.) Have at least one conversation a day (on the phone or at home) where you whisper to the other person and let them know you love them and miss them. With a whisper you capture their attention.

4.) Write your love a poem that describes how you feel about them; be as detailed as possible.

5.) Feed her spaghetti.

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